Klamath Falls News

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Editorial: I'm Not Old Yet, But I'm Not Young Either

2020 was to be the year of change; well things changed, just not how we expected

I do not know about you but for my family and I, the first part of 2020 has been hell. Stay at home orders, various illnesses from family members, financial woes, and now my health is in trouble.

Just a few days ago, we found out that the severe neck and arm pain I have been living with this past couple of months is due to degenerative tissues, a narrowing of the spinal column, and several bulging discs in the cervical area of my spine.

In addition, I have a pretty bad deformity where the cervical and thoracic areas connect (between my shoulders where the neck and backbones join).

As fast as this set on, it has been debilitating. Effecting everything I do every day - work, family, play.

This is not an exotic disease, it is not cancer, and many in our community suffer from this very ailment every day.

So why am I bringing this up? To help others that may have been ignoring the signs as I did.

I mention that this came on quickly, but that is not completely true. See, for years, I have ignored the problem; believing what I have is everyday aches and pains. I toughed it out, popped couple ibuprofen and was fine. Come to find out I have ignored the signs for far too long and now I am paying the price.

Signs such as waking up with a stiff elbow. Nothing a shower would not fix, right? Come to find out that was a sign of something more severe.

It may be too late to fix the damage done without invasive measures, such as surgery. However, it’s too early to know for sure. I am waiting on the specialist and my PCP to help develop a plan for the future. I am certain we will start with chiropractic and physical therapy care and then go from there.

What I do know - I cannot work, eat, sleep, sit up, or lay down. It all hurts; all the time.

I have been to the emergency room, my doctor’s office, used telemedicine. I have been prescribed narcotics, steroids, and various pills. Now it is time for specialists to step in.

What does this mean? I do not know yet. But what it has done is install a governor on my nonstop, on the go, busy all the time, relax by doing, life. It is forcing me to take time for...well, me.

So because of that, and to my dismay you will find less news, sports, and photos from me.

I am taking some time for me.
To heal,
To repair,
To come back stronger.

I have done my best to be there for all of you. Now I must be there for me.

Just like you, I too still must pay the bills, whether I am working or not. Therefore, I will still be working at some level. While taking the time to care for myself.

I can already hear many of my friends now, “How can I help?” Right now, there is not much you can do.

I may have to personally call on help from my friends sometime down the line, but right now we are ok.

If you want to help now, the best way to help is to support your local community.

Shop local food,
Shop local services,
Shop local items,
Shop local business.

They are the ones that need help today.

Small businesses, mom-and-pop shops, restaurants, and retailers are there for you when times are good; you need to be there when times are hard for them; like now. You asked for help from them before, now return the favor. Large corporations like Amazon will not support your kids’ sports teams.

If you want to help me;
Help your neighbor, help your friends,
Call your Mom, hug with Dad,
Buy someone a coffee for the car behind you,
Add an extra ten to the collection plate,
Tip 20% then add an extra $10.

Help one another. Because we are all #StrongerTogether.

I love you all. I do what I do because of you. Together, we will get through this.

Until next time,

PS: For more details on the situation, I have created a blog, “Humans Being” on my personal website. If you would like to see more photos and learn more about what has happened up to now visit, www.briangailey.com/blog. I will continue to update the blog as we move forward with care and treatment.

Brian Gailey, Publisher Klamath Falls News

This editorial has not been endorsed or otherwise paid by any party. It has not been reviewed by any party prior to posting. The opinion is strictly that of the Klamath Falls News Editor, Brian Gailey.