New WIC food list announced

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KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – The local Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program has announced a new food list for families to use for nutritional benefits. Additions on the list are string cheese and yogurt options, among others. The new food list is available on the WIC app, wicshopper.

“Providing nutritional options for our clients is a big part our mission,” said Sue Schiess, manager of Klamath County WIC. “Our clients are excited about the new choices, especially the ability to purchase string cheese. It is both nutritious and portable; a perfect snack solution for active families.”

WIC, a division of Klamath County Public Health, provides foods to supplement the diets of pregnant and breastfeeding women, and infants and children under five years of age. The foods provided as benefits are based on federal regulations and are in alignment with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the infant feeding guidelines of American Academy of Pediatrics.

“Every day WIC touches the lives of many Klamath County families. In addition to providing nutritious foods, WIC provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support and community referral. Our work is vital in creating a healthy environment where women and their children can thrive,” said Schiess.

In Klamath County, 2,163 families were served in 2017. Sixty five percent of those families were working households where at least one parent was employed. That same year, $1,428,491 was spent by participants at local WIC retailers for healthy foods. About 57 percent of Klamath County’s pregnant women utilize WIC.

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Oregon WIC Authorized foods include:

• Fresh & frozen fruits and vegetables
• Milk, soy beverage or goat milk
• Cheese, yogurt, tofu, eggs
• Peanut butter, dry or canned beans
• Canned fish, tuna, salmon or sardines (for breastfeeding women)
• Cold or hot cereals, fortified with iron and folic acid
• 100% fruit juices rich in Vitamin C
• Iron fortified infant formulas
• Infant cereals
• Baby food fruits and vegetables and meats

• Whole grain options including: whole wheat bread, whole wheat or corn tortillas, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oatmeal

• Special infant formulas and certain medical foods may also be provided when prescribed by a physician or health professional for a specified medical condition.

The foods selected for the Oregon WIC Food List were chosen based on several factors, such as: meets federal regulations, nutritional value, promotes good nutrition, acceptable to WIC participants, Available across the state, and cost

Klamath County WIC may be reached at 541.883.4276 or visited at 3314 Vandenberg Road. Klamath County Public Health may be found online at