KCPH: COVID-19 Numbers comparisons

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What follows are some statistics concerning COVID-19 in Klamath County. Numbers are shown in comparison to three other counties and Oregon as a whole. 

Coos, Douglas, Union, and Klamath Counties in Oregon lost their timber economies at the same time. In the late 1990s, Klamath Falls’ Herald and News published a series of articles about the economic recovery efforts undertaken in each county.

Throughout the decades, these counties have remained demographically comparable and are annually used by Klamath County Public Health to gauge progress in the County Rankings & Roadmaps report released each March.

The most basic form of data analysis is descriptive analysis, which shows what happened over time. That’s what this does. The COVID-19 data is from 12:01 a.m. Sunday, April 11. From these charts we see that Klamath County is:

  • Doing well in full vaccinations as a percentage of the population over 18, slightly outperforming Oregon. Klamath County is soundly outperforming its comparative counties

  • Has seen 48% of vaccinations go to people over the age of 65. However, there is another 38% of this demographic unvaccinated.

  • Serving most under-represented groups at pace, but can further expand service to the American Indian/Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latinx populations.

To shift into predictive analysis, we expect to see fewer positive cases as more people become fully vaccinated. Eligibility is expanding and vaccination is a way to protect yourself and those around you. Fully vaccinated people who have close contact with a known case are not required to quarantine.

Everyone 16 and older become eligible for vaccination Monday, April 19.

To learn how to schedule a vaccination, visit http://www.klamathcounty.org/1117/COVID-19-vaccine.