Letter to the Editor: SSSD Accountability?

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Letter to the Editor by, Terry Wells, Reeder Rd, Klamath Falls

We are fighting for our lives!  

SSSD proposes to spray irrigate Class D level treated sewage water to within 100 feet of our homes.  Class D level treated water is one step above raw sewage.  It still has chunks of sewage that will pass a 3/8 inch screen, along with pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, chemicals and nutrients of raw sewage.  Why is SSSD proposing to put our health and property values in such peril?  So they can save money at our expense.

SSSD makes it sound like the only options are Class D irrigation near our homes or expensive treatment to discharge to the Klamath River.  There are other options.  Treating to Class B would be much safer for use near homes.  There are other land application locations that are not surrounded by homes.

I ask the homeowners served by SSSD, would you want this water used this close to your house?  Would you buy a house where Class D water was used to irrigate nearby?

I ask the Board of Directors to justify what you plan to do to your neighbors.  Mike Griffith, Jim Bellet and Charles Dehlinger please weigh in.  Is this only about the money?  Would you want your grandkids to play in a yard where the wind had carried the sprinkler spray drift?  What about our property values?

At the Planning Commission hearing on the 25th, I think it was obvious we are going to fight this.  The meeting room was overflowing.  Almost everyone there is opposed.

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