Historically bad water year requires urgent protections for C'waam and Koptu, highlights needed for more sustainable path forward

Historically bad water year requires urgent protections for C'waam and Koptu, highlights needed for more sustainable path forward

CHILOQUIN, Ore. - This historically bad water year requires urgent measures to save the C’waam (Lost River sucker) and Koptu (shortnose sucker). These two critical treaty resources of the Klamath Tribes are on the verge of extinction and the Bureau of Reclamation’s water management this year must focus on meeting their needs first.

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Trump Orders Reliable Supply and Delivery of Western Water

Trump Orders Reliable Supply and Delivery of Western Water

October 19, 2018, President Donald J. Trump signed a memorandum in Scottsdale, Arizona, on promoting a reliable supply and delivery of water in the western United States. During the signature of the memorandum President Trump mentioned the Klamath Irrigation Project.

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