Klamath County seeks public comment on Strategic Plan draft

On Wednesday, Klamath County Commissioners and the Klamath County Strategic Planning Team released a draft of the 2024-28 Strategic Plan for Klamath County.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Over the last several months, the Klamath County Commissioners and a special committee have been working with community members to develop a new five-year strategic plan.

On Wednesday, a draft of that plan has been released for public comment.

“We are thrilled to share with you the preliminary version of our upcoming strategic plan, which is a result of months of collaborative efforts, insightful discussions, and invaluable input from individuals like yourself who are an integral part of our vibrant community,” stated the Klamath County Strategic Planning Team in a press release.

The 29-page document identifies and outlines the future of Klamath County and provides a path on how to get there. The plan identifies and examines five strategic pillars - economy, public safety and health, housing, recreation, and government.

“At the County, we believe in the power of collective vision and the strength that comes from united goals. This draft strategic plan serves as a roadmap that will guide us over the next five years as we strive to shape a brighter future for all,” stated the press release. “But before we finalize this plan, we want to ensure that it accurately represents the needs and aspirations of our community.”

The team knows that your voice matters, and they invite your input. Now is your opportunity to make an impact.

“Your perspectives, opinions, and ideas are invaluable to us,” the Strategic Planning Team added.

The Team invites you to participate by looking over the draft strategic plan, available here and below, and sharing your thoughts.

How to provide your feedback

The Strategic Planning Team has made it easy for you to offer your input. Click here and take a few moments to share your feedback, suggestions, and concerns. This can be related to the overall vision, mission, goals, objectives, or specific initiatives within the plan.

Be part of the positive change

This strategic plan represents a collective effort toward building a better future for everyone involved. By joining the Team in this endeavor, you are helping shape a community that thrives, an organization that evolves, and a future that we can all be proud of.

Important dates

  • Release of Draft Strategic Plan: August 9, 2023

  • Deadline for Public Comment: August 23, 2023

  • Finalization of Strategic Plan: September 15, 2023

“Once we have gathered all the feedback and carefully considered each suggestion, we will integrate the most valuable insights into the final version of the strategic plan,” added the Strategic Planning Team. “This plan will serve as our blueprint for growth and development, driving positive change and progress in our community.”

The Team concludes, “Thank you for your continuous support, engagement, and commitment to shaping a better future together. We are looking forward to your valuable input as we embark on this transformative journey.”