Going once... Going twice... Sold at $1.7 million

Lyric Sizemore of Poe Valley Community Club poses with her Grand Champion lamb and buyers. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)


Total Sold: $1,700,000*

Total: 380
Average: $4,473

Total: 282
Average: $6,469

Total: 441
Average: $3,854

* As of 8/7/23

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The annual Klamath County Fair has come and gone, but the effects of the Junior Livestock Auction will last a generation. 380 Young men and women from all across Klamath County have spent months preparing animals for show and market. This past weekend their achievements were rewarded when the auction broke records for the 4th straight year selling $1.7 million as of Monday night.

“This number will likely increase over the coming days as buyers add additional funds to their purchases,” said Casey Ladner of Klamath County Rotary and Bull of the Woods for the sale.

Klamath County Rotary handles auction details, including the financial transactions.

“It was a great auction this year, and our crew did a great job,” said Ladner. “However, the real winners were the buyers who all came out and supported these kids. They came out in droves. We broke records for the fourth year in a row. It is simply outstanding - great sales, great kids, and an outstanding sale overall.”

Ladner added, “I could not have done it without Chris Moudry. Without him, it would not have gone as smoothly as it did. I give full credit to him.” Moudry is the Rotary Past President and a previous Head of the Auction Committee.

Lyrics Sizemore shows her Grand Champion lamb in the auction ring of the 2023 Junior Livestock Auction. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)

The sale began when Lyrics Sizemore’s Grand Champion sheep entered the auction ring. In just a few moments, Sizemore of Poe Valley Community Club would sell her lamb for $6,390 ($45/lb.). Three businesses went together to make the purchase, First Community Credit Union, Coast Truck Centers, and Grange Co-Op.

“4-H and FFA have meant a lot to me over the years. "I was in it when I was a youth, and my kids were in it growing up, and it’s just a good way of giving back to the community,” said Larry Redd of Coast Truck Centers. “These are all good kids, they stay out of trouble, and it is nice to give something back.”

Larry Redd (far right) registering at the 2023 Junior Livestock Auction. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)

“I am sad and happy,” said Jace Shearer of Midland Porkies Community Club shortly after selling his lamb. “It was sad because he was right there waiting for me every time I came home. But I am happy because I know that paycheck is going toward next year’s project.”

Jace Shearer gets his lamb in the perfect pose during auction. Shearer was earned many honors of showmanship including Champion Intermediate Showman and Reserve Champion Showman. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)

In his first year as an intermediate, Shearer received the highest honors for showmanship in his age division, including awards for Champion Intermediate Showman and overall Reserve Champion Showman of all age divisions. He also received honors with - Farm Raised Champion Market Lamb, Reserve Supreme Ram, Champion Farm Raised Breeding Ewe, Reserve Champion Farm Raised Breeding Ewe, Best Sheep Exhibit, and 8th Overall Market Animal, to name a few.

This dominance was due in part to help from his sister. Who, in her own right, dominated the sheep division in recent years before leaving for college.

“I picked up stuff from my sister [Madison] and my sister’s friend Baylee. They both helped me on my showmanship, how I look at the judge, and how I position myself with different lambs,” exclaimed Shearer.

“[To Madison & Baylee] thank you so much for helping me; it all paid off,” Shearer stated proudly. “This year has been fun.”

Luther Horsley of Horsley Farms purchased Shearer’s project.

Jace Shearer shakes the hand of his lambs buyer, Luther Horsley at the 2023 Junior Livestock Auction on the final day of the Klamath County Fair. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)

Historically, the most lavish spender at the auction receives the honor of having the number one bidder card; for 2023 this honor belongs to Thunderbird Market. The crew at Thunderbird appreciates what 4-H does and feels this is an excellent way to give back to the community that supports their stores.

Tatiana Graham takes a moment to thank Steve Olsrud, owner of Thunderbird Market for the purchase of her lamb. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)

“We think that 4-H has been one of the best organizations around for teaching values to kids nowadays,” stated Steve Olsrud, owner of Thunderbird Market. “It teaches them how to account for money, responsibility, talking to people, talking to adults, and presenting their animals for sale to different organizations around town.”

In a message to all exhibitors, Olsrud said, “Thank you for all the hard work you put in.”

Benefit for the Basin, an annual fundraising event that champions one million dollars annually for Klamath Basin youth, planed on spending $50,000 at the auction.

“We take a good share of the revenue we generate each year and put it back into the community through the 4-H and FFA kids,” explained Keith Stotts, vice president, Benefit for the Basin. “We are not out there looking for the Grand Champions. We want to ensure that all the other kids that worked just as hard get financially supported.”

“There are some kids that have great support through family members and businesses, but some of the others may not have that. If that is the case, we want to step in and support those kids,” added Stott.

Ahead of the auction, Stott and the Benefit from the Basin team conducted add-ons before raising their paddle to bid/purchase.

“We spent the last hour doing $12,000 in add-ons alone,” stated Stott. “We have a budget of somewhere in the $50,000 range to spend today, and we will probably go over it. We always do. We see what is going on, the support for the kids, how hard they work, and we want to make sure that we are there.”

The Junior Livestock Auction would not be the same without the iconic voice of Stan Deupree.

Deupree has been the voice of the auction in Klamath County and numerous other counties for four decades. He feels honored to serve as an auctioneer throughout much of Oregon.

“I have the honor to represent thousands of kids in the Southern, Central, and Western Oregon region,” said Deupree. “As an auctioneer, we have been able to get some of the top prices - the best prices in the United States - for kids right here in our region. I started in 1981 on the auction staff in Jackson County and have been doing this ever since, and I do nine county fairs. It is an honor to have that skill to help these young men and women.”

Deupree added, “These kids in 4-H and FFA are the cream of the crop. They do an outstanding job and return to make our community great. As an auctioneer, it’s the greatest honor in the world to help them get things started in life, get a college education, and return to make this community great.”

Sold! Auctioneer Stan Deupree pumps his fist while stating “sold” to close the auction of a livestock animal. August 6, 2023 (Image: Brian Gailey)


Grand Champion - Lyrics Sizemore, Poe Valley Community Club
Reserve Champion - Rebekah Rodgers, Twin Valley Community Club

Grand Champion - Payton Susee, Henley FFA
Reserve Champion - Jade Cummings, Long Ears & Short Tails 4-H

Grand Champion - Jamie Whitaker, Poe Valley Community Club
Reserve Champion - Jason Kern, Linkville Livestock 4-H

Grand Champion - Hadley Woods, Poe Valley Community Club
Reserve Champion - Ella Lyman, Henley Beef

Grand Champion - Roman Jowell, Hogsback Hogs
Reserve Champion - Melanie Martinez, Lost River FFA

Grand Champion - Tucker Mockridge, Forty Swiners Community Club
Reserve Champion - Hesston Mockridge, Forty Swiners Community Club

Grand Champion - Lauren Hedlund, Wing World
Reserve Champion - Taylor Gorden, Henley FFA

Images of Grand & Reserve Champions courtesy of Diane Keith.
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