Oregon Department of Revenue warns of scams related to COVID-19

Oregon Department of Revenue warns of scams related to COVID-19

SALEM, Ore. - The Oregon Department of Revenue is warning taxpayers of calls and email phishing attempts related to the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic, and federal government relief payments. These scams can lead to tax-related fraud and identity theft.

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KCSO Warns of IRS Phone Scams

KCSO Warns of IRS Phone Scams

The Sheriff’s Office receives inquiries from Klamath County citizens on a daily basis about phone calls from supposed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) representatives. The vast majority of these phone calls are from a “robo” system, wherein a recorded message is on the other end of the line, and it threatens to alert law enforcement to make arrests if tax-related demands are not met. These type of calls are, always, illegitimate; those behind the calls are seeking to swindle the unknowing out of money.

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